eDocMaster, an Electronic Document Management System designed and developed by Tertec, is a complete turnkey Document Management Solution built to satisfy growing needs for reliable, secure and effective document storage and retrieval mechanism. The solution includes:
- conversion of existing paper-based documentation within a customer organization to electronic format;
- Indexing, encryption and storage of electronic documents;
- Operator training and technical support.
The solution is based on software developed by Tertec that provides multiple security access layers thus eliminating the possibility of unauthorized access to sensitive data.
- All of the documents within the document repository
- Are encrypted using 128-bit encryption
- Have strict access policies and procedures
- Are categorized and catalogued
- May be easily searched and retrieved
- May contain a cross-reference link to a paper document
- May be accessed securely from anywhere in the world within seconds
- Contain complete document access history (audit trail)
- Have built-in version control
The System is capable of storing structured document data – documents and relevant records – as well as other forms of electronic data (files, emails, spreadsheets, presentations, etc.). It provides advanced searching options (by document properties, content, “fuzzy searches”, etc.) as well as rich editing capabilities.
Utilizing an award winning OCR engine, the system offers an effective and robust mechanism for document processing, satisfying document management needs of a company of any size. The system is easy to setup and maintain, it is highly scalable and customizable for the requirements of a particular company and may contain additional modules as per client’s requests.
The eDocMaster has several add-on modules such as Asset Management, Personnel Management, Biometric Access and others.